
AWS MAP (Migration Acceleration Program)

MAP helps you accelerate cloud migration and modernization with an outcome-driven methodology.

What is AWS MAP (Migration Acceleration Program)?

AWS understands that migrations can be difficult and complex, therefore they have created MAP. MAP helps you accelerate cloud migration and modernization with an outcome-driven methodology.

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What are the Benefits of AWS MAP?

  • Reducing costs by moving your infrastructure to the cloud, boosting staff productivity by reducing the amount of time employees spend working on system administration tasks, improving operational resiliency by strengthening IT security and increasing service availability and reliability, and increasing business agility by accelerating innovation on a global scale.
  • Consists of an agile-based migration methodology that evaluates capabilities and environments to reduce costs and risks.
  • AWS and its partners offer the tools needed to automate and accelerate the migration.
  • IT professionals can leverage training on AWS to become knowledgeable of everything AWS has to offer, including a specialty course on migrating to AWS.
  • AWS has completed so many successful migrations that they have been able to take that knowledge and apply it going forward to new migrations.
  • AWS Migration Competency Partners have a great track record of delivering large-scale migrations and have the capabilities available to help customers.
  • AWS uses investments to help customers mitigate the one-time migration expenses. As a premier partner, Trek10 is able to request up to $60k in the Assess phase and an additional $400k for the Mobilize phase.
  • Migration in MAP is done in three phases:
    • Begins with a readiness assessment that helps identify gaps along the 6 dimensions of the AWS Cloud Adoption Framework:
      • Business, Process, People, Platform, Operations, Security
      • Allows you to identify capabilities required in the migration.
    • Mobilizing your resources which helps build an operational foundation for the migration – has the goal of fixing the gaps from the previous step. It accelerates decisions by providing clear guidance.
    • The final step is migrating and modernizing your workloads. AWS Migration Services, the AWS Professional Services team, and AWS Migration Partners help you execute the plan developed in the previous step.
  • With MAP you can migrate your Mainframe and Windows workloads, as well as your storage.
  • Among the resources associated with MAP is AWS Migration Hub, which provides one single location for tracking the progress of your migrations.
