Trek10 24/7 Monitoring

AWS certified MSP partner - Next-generation security, infrastructure, and application monitoring

AWS Expertise, Security, Governance & Software

Proactive Monitoring, Automation, and Management

Trek10 brings managed services to the cloud. Our team works hard to reduce noise and maximize uptime in every AWS environment we manage. Individual members of the team are certified by AWS for their knowledge on DevOps, SysOps, Architecture, and Security. With Trek10, you can rest easy knowing your environment is in the hands of experts.

What to Expect

Trek10 has created, and leverages, a catalog of specialized tools that are configurable to meet your specific monitoring needs.

A Few of Our Tools


“Not only does this save us a paycheck, but it gets us a whole team of people who can manage the site 24/7 so it’s always up and running for ticket sales. We don’t have to worry about it.”

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